Do’s and Don’ts for Summer Shoes/Sandals

Think of our feet as our foundation. Similar to our homes, when there are cracks or shifts in the foundation it can be seen all the way up to the roof! This same concept applies to our body; the stronger the foundation is the more support you have in your body. One of the ways to support our body is with proper footwear and arch support. With the heat index setting records already we are looking for ways to keep cool. Yes, sandals are better at keeping us cool often times have inadequate support and can lead to aches and pains throughout the body. Here are three ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ when choosing to wear sandals.

  • Sandal Support. DO look for a sandals with good arch support. DON’T wear the free Budlight flip-flops you got at the concert. There are few sandals that can provide the proper support you need and here’s a list of my top three favorite sandals.
  1. Best Overall: Birkenstocks -Arizona
  2. Best for Walking: Chaco -Classic
  3. Best for Plantar Fasciitis: Fit Flop -iQushion Flip Flop
  • Time. Do, wear the proper walking shoe for long walks. I highly encourage to wear a walking shoe with a firm sole. I recommend using the “bend test” when choosing the proper walking shoe. DON’T wear shoes that you can bend in half or twist. Brands like Brooks, Hoka and Asics are great choices that will provide you with good arch support and can prevent ailments such as plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis from arising.
  • Orthotics! Not all feet are created equal! Sometimes your feet need a little extra support and knowing what type of orthotic you need is the first step. DON’T waste your time or money guessing what orthotic MIGHT be good for you. With a thorough evaluation of your feet and gait, I can help determine whether a custom or over-the-shelf orthotic is the right option for your.

DID YOU KNOW? If you develop blisters on your feet the right socks can help prevent them!

Feet Swelling

  • Hydrate. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water is a good rule of thumb.
  • Sugar. Sugar fuels inflammation. Choose a whole foods diet and limit processed foods with added sugar.
  • Rest. Tired feet = knee pain = low back pain = head aches. Take a breather, go on vacation, and while you drink that mojito elevate your feet above your heart to help reduce swelling.

Do your feet still hurt? It might be time to get your feet evaluated. We can do different therapies in the office like instrument assisted soft tissue manipulation (IASTM), cold laser and kinesiology taping to get your feet feeling great again. Book an appointment today!

Schedule your Chiropractic appointment today. Call 913.730.1800, or book an appointment online.

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